
Socioeconomic gaps in language development and school achievement Mechanisms of inequality and opportunity

ProsjektansvarligNina Drange
OppdragsgiverEU via UiO
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.EU ID 818425
ProsjektdeltakereNina Drange
Prosjektperiode2022 - 2024

Prosjektbeskrivelse (engelsk)

Tackling inequalities starts with early childhood education and care (ECEC), which is widely considered a key remedy to the risk of academic underachievement. The EU-funded EQOP project will study ECEC effectiveness. Drawing on data from Norway, it will first study how and why socioeconomic disadvantages undermine children’s language skills and school achievement. Secondly, it will investigate whether ECEC can improve opportunities for disadvantaged children. It will also estimate the costs of socioeconomic achievement gaps and the economic benefits of ECEC at scale. Norway is an interesting example because ECEC increased from 30 % to 80 % in recent years, and the country also faces rising child poverty.


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