
Entrepreneurship: Origins and Returns

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Berglann, H., E.R. Moen, K. Røed and J.F. Skogstrøm




Labour Economics

Vol 18(2), 180-193

Sammendrag (engelsk)

We examine the origins and outcome of entrepreneurship on the basis of exceptionally comprehensive Norwegian matched worker-firm-owner data. In contrast to most existing studies, our notion of entrepreneurship not only comprises self-employment, but also employment in partly self-owned limited liability companies. Based on this extended entrepreneurship concept, we find that entrepreneurship tends to be profitable. It also raises income variability, but the most successful quartile gains much more than the least successful quartile loses. Key determinants of the decision to become an entrepreneur are occupational qualifications, family resources, gender, and work environments. Individual unemployment encourages, while aggregate unemployment discourages, entrepreneurship.


Entrepreneurship; Self-employment; Spin-offs


L26; M13

Prosjekt info:

Oppdragsgiver: Norges forskningsråd
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.:
Frisch prosjekt: 6512 - R&D, Industry Dynamics and Public Policy