
Female employment and voter turnout - Evidence from India

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Kotsadam, Andreas, Anders Kjelsrud




The Journal of Politics

Vol 85(4)

Sammendrag (engelsk)

Previous research on the effects of employment on voter turnout yields mixed results. Combining data from the largest workfare program in the world with data from over 50,000 Indian polling stations, we show that increased employment substantially increases female turnout. Mechanism tests suggest the results are driven by employment rather than income and program satisfaction. In particular, we find increases in the number of friends, discussions of politics with more people, and increased knowledge of politics. We also find effects on nonelectoral political participation, and we argue that the effects we identify are driven by autonomous political participation.


political participationfemale employmentnetworksIndia

Prosjekt info:

Oppdragsgiver: NFR via CMI
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: 301645
Frisch prosjekt: 5104 - Women in Transition: Female Employment and Political Empowerment during Ethiopia’s Reform Process