
Can Welfare Conditionality Combat High School Dropout?

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Hernæs, Øystein, Simen Markussen and Knut Røed




Labour Economics

Sammendrag (engelsk)

Based on administrative data, we analyze empirically the effects of stricter conditionality for social assistance receipt on welfare dependency and high school completion rates among Norwegian youths. Our evaluation strategy exploits a geographically differentiated implementation of conditionality. The causal effects are identified on the basis of larger-than-expected within-municipality changes in outcomes that not only coincide with the local timing of conditionality implementation, but do so in a way that correlates with individual ex ante predicted probabilities of becoming a social assistance claimant. We find that stricter conditionality significantly reduces welfare claims and increases high school completion rates.


Social assistance; Activation; Conditionality; Welfare reform; School dropout


H55; I29; I38; J18

Prosjekt info:

Oppdragsgiver: Norges Forskningsråd
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: 236992
Frisch prosjekt: 1178 - Likhet under press? Nye perspektiver på ulikhet og inkludering