
20 years of Nordic comparative health economic research

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Häkkinen, U.; Hagen, T.P. and Kittelsen, S.A.C.




Nordic Journal of Health Economics

6(1), pp. 79-103

Sammendrag (engelsk)

Nordic comparative health economics research stands out internationally both by its access to excellent patient data and its long-time commitment to rigorous analyses. In this article, we present the methodological foundations and the results from two types of performance analyses – comparative analyses of health care outcomes and costs at hospital level and similar analyses at the disease level. In the concluding part, we discuss strength and weaknesses of the Nordic comparative analyses, and how we should develop Nordic comparative health economics research further.


Nordic comparison, Health care performance, Hospital performance, Disease-based analysis


I18, L30, P47

Prosjekt info:

Oppdragsgiver: NFR via UiO HELED
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: NFR 296114
Frisch prosjekt: 4118 - Norsk senter for helsetjenesteforskning - NORCHER (Frisch partner)