
Local Incentives and Electric Vehicle Adoption

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Halse, Askill, Karen Evelyn Hauge, Elisabeth Thuestad Isaksen, Bjørn Gjerde Johansen, Oddbjørn Raaum




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Sammendrag (engelsk)

We study how the adoption of battery electric vehicles – a key technology for decarbonizing transportation – responds to two local incentives: road toll exemption and bus lane access. Combining rich Norwegian microdata with a quasi-experimental research design where we exploit household-level variations in incentives on work commutes, we find sizable and positive effects on electric vehicle ownership. The increase in electric vehicles from having road tolls and bus lanes on work commutes is offset by a similar decline in ownership of conventional vehicles. Road tolls also reduce ‘brown’ driving per vehicle, but lower CO2 emissions are largely driven by the reduction in the number of conventional vehicles.


electric vehicles, local incentives, road tolls, bus lanes


H23, Q55, Q58, R41, R48

Prosjekt info:

Oppdragsgiver: Norges Forskningsråd
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: 267942
Frisch prosjekt: 3642 - Driving towards the low-emission society