
Managing Thresholds and Uncertainty in Resource Economics

ProsjektansvarligEric Nævdal
OppdragsgiverNorges forskningsråd
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.196199
ProsjektdeltakereSimen Gaure
Michael Oppenheimer
Jon Vislie
Prosjektperiode2010 - 2012 (avsluttet)

Prosjektbeskrivelse (engelsk)

The project aims at developing methods that enables the integration of scientific knowledge on threshold effects in natural systems into economic models of decision making. The focus is to close gaps in the mathematical theory of dynamic optimization required to solve problems where threshold effects are important. Examples of issues where threshold effects have been identified as important includes: Climate change, eutrophication, population harvesting and zootic epidemiological dynamics. The project aims to develop relevant mathematical techniques and show their usefulness by examining relevant applications in ecosystem management and climate change.


Vitenskapelige tidsskrift

Nævdal, EricProductivity and Management of Renewable Resources: Why More Efficient Fishing Fleets Should Fish Less2022Environmental and Resource Economics Online[PDF] [DOI]
Nævdal, EricNew Insights from the Canonical Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Growth Model2020Macroeconomic Dynamics [DOI]
Crepin, Anne-Sophie and Eric NævdalInertia in risk; improving economic models of catastrophes2019The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 1-27[PDF] [DOI]
Nævdal, Eric and Anders SkonhoftNew Insights from the Canonical Fisheries Model - Optimal Management when Stocks are Low2018Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Vol 92, 125-133[PDF] [DOI]
Nævdal, EricCatastrophes and ex post shadow prices—How the value of the last fish in a lake is infinity and why we should not care (much)2016Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Vol 132, 153-160[DOI]


Nævdal, EricSafe Minimum Standard (SMS)2013[PDF]

Frisch Rapport

Nævdal, Eric, Anders SkonhoftNew Insights from the Canonical Fisheries Model2018Nr. 3[PDF]


Serien publiseres av Økonomisk institutt, Universitetet i Oslo, i samarbeid med Frischsenteret. Listen under omfatter kun memoranda tilknyttet prosjekter på Frischsenteret. En komplett oversikt over memoranda finnes på http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-7118

Nævdal, EricCatastrophes and Expected Marginal Utility – How the Value of The Last Fish in a Lake is Infinity and Why We Shouldn’t Care (Much)2015Nr. 8[PDF]

CREE skrifter

CREE er Oslo Centr for Environmentally friendly Energy, og er et samarbeid mellom Frischsenteret, Økonomisk institutt og Statistisk sentralbyrå. Her legger vi kun ut publikasjoner skrevet av forfatter ved Frischsenteret. Komplett liste finnes på https://www.frisch.uio.no/prosjekter/cree/publications/CREE_working_papers/

Crépin, Anne-Sophie, Eric NævdalInertia in risk; improving economic models of catastrophes2017Nr. 2[PDF]