
Alternative Work Arrangements and Worker Welfare

ProsjektansvarligSimen Markussen
OppdragsgiverNFR via ISF
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.314267
ProsjektdeltakereSimen Markussen
Prosjektperiode2021 - 2025

Prosjektbeskrivelse (engelsk)

In this project we investigate trends in alternative work arrangements in the Norwegian labor market. In WP1, we will use linked administrative register and Norwegian Labor Force Survey (LFS) data as a new data source to scrutinize the development in alternative work arrangements over time. The register data cover the entire population, and make it possible to study marginal groups in the labor market, to investigate regional variations and to break down the samples further according to industry and firm. Yearly updating makes it possible to exploit the longitudinal structure of the data, and to follow the same individuals and firms over time. The use of register data enables us to contribute to the literature on several aspects that are not (yet) covered. We will study the development in wages, rent-sharing and unionization, as well as the role of alternative work arrangements as stepping stones or dead ends in the labor market. The analyses will be complemented with data from Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) to investigate development in job-tasks and skills across contract type and countries. In WP2, we will study the importance of labor market regulation of alternative work arrangements - and the consequences of deregulation. We will investigate to what extent policy changes have affected alternative work shares, and whether these changes have affected unionization and wage development in different segments of the income distribution. In WP3, we will examine key aspects of the legal framework; the evolving notion of a worker in European Law and the reach of fundamental human rights provisions that potentially provide protection to workers on alternative contracts. While European Law may enhance the welfare of vulnerable individuals, it also poses challenges to national worklife models.


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