Norway's New Climate Targets - Brukerseminar vår 2015

The Government presented its White Paper on Norway’s new climate targets earlier this year, aligning Norway’s targets with those of EU. What does the goal of a 40 per cent cut mean for the way forward?

EU 2030 framework for climate and energy
Helen Campbell, EU’s Ambassador to Norway

The Norwegian climate targets
Karine Hertzberg, Senior Adviser, Ministry of Climate and Environment

Production of oil and gas in a low carbon world
Arne Eik, Leading Consultant Climate, Corporate Sustainability, Statoil

The 10th Anniversary of the EU Emissions Trading System: Reason to Celebrate?
Jon-Birger Skjærseth, Research Professor, Fritjof Nansens Institute (CICEP)

Predictability and flexibility in Norwegian climate policy for 2030: a good balance for green growth?
Knut Kroepelien, Industry Policy Adviser, Energi Norge

Robust and ambitious national climate targets
Mads Greaker, Senior Researcher, Statistics Norway (CREE)

Organised jointly by CICEP and CREE - Centers for Environment-friendly Energy Research


Published July 3, 2017 1:13 PM - Last modified Jan. 3, 2022 4:48 PM