
Time and place: , Frischsenteret

Is it the environmentalist talking? Choice of energy efficient electrical household appliances

Time and place: , Frischsenteret

Elise Grieg - ETH zürich

Tittel: Exiting the fossil world: The effect of fuel taxation in the UK

Time and place: , Frischsenteret

Hiroaki Sakamoto: Beyond linearity in state: analytic integrated assessment with a non-linear climate system

Time and place: , Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, “Kjerka”, Karl Johansgt. 47, Oslo

Seminar Series on Energy Market Design

"Competition, state aid and new regulatory initiatives: the EU’s toolbox for the new energy market design"

Time and place: , Statistisk Sentralbyrå

"Is ambiguity aversion more important than risk aversion?"

Kommende begivenheter på Statistisk Sentralbyrå

Time and place: , Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, “Kjerka”, Karl Johansgt. 47, Oslo

"Electricity networks and their operators in a time of change"

Time and place: , Frischsenteret

"Dynamic pricing of electricity: money on the table?”,

joint with Iivo Vehviläinen

Time and place: , Statistics Norway - Aud. Akersveien

How We Misunderstand Economics - And Why It Matters

David Leiser will present his book, written joint with Yhonatan Shemesh, on why people misunderstand economics. The book focuses on the cognitive shortcuts we use to make sense of complex information, and the metaphors we rely on and their effect on our thinking.