
Kjønn og lønn: Hva betyr arbeidsplassen, barn og ubetalt arbeid for forskjeller mellom kjønn?

ProsjektansvarligSimon S. Bensnes
OppdragsgiverNFR via SSB
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.326391
ProsjektdeltakereSimon S. Bensnes
Anna Aasen Godøy
Prosjektperiode2021 - 2025

Prosjektbeskrivelse (engelsk)

Women earn less than men. The earnings difference narrows substantially when comparing individuals within the same firm; however, we know little about why men and women sort into different firms, or earn different wages within the same firm. Our project contributes to the literature on gender inequality in the labor market. The first goal is to offer novel descriptive evidence on the importance of within-firm dynamics for gender differences on the labor market. This allows us to examine how much of the gender differences in wages within firms are due to differences in tasks and promotions, and whether women sort to lower-paying firms because these firms compensate with non-monetary amenities. The second goal is to investigate the underlying economic and social causes of gender differences on the labor market. To achieve this, we build on our within-firm characterization to understand the differential costs of children across men and women, and investigate the roles of firm-level policies, such as flexible work hours, and specialization in paid versus unpaid work. To push the literature on mechanisms even further, we add novel survey data that allow us to understand whether preferences or comparative advantages drive the specialization in paid versus unpaid work arises. This has important policy implications. Policy interventions may not be needed if differences in preferences are driving the gap, while differences in constraints may call for more active policy responses.

Statistics Norway Project webpage


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