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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 9

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Markets and rationality: Competition results in a more predictable behavior

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

What can we learn about household consumption expenditure from data on income and assets?

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Saving Behavior across the Wealth Distribution

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Increased cannabis traffic crash risks in culpability studies - avoiding the interpretational bias of the odds-ratio estimator

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Family Policies and Gender Equality:  Did They Work, Norway 1980 to Today

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Women’s Economic Empowerment and Fertility: Long-Term Experimental Evidence from Tanzania

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

The Value of Life: The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Research Programme

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Privileging one’s own? Voting patterns and politicized spending in India

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

The role of community characteristics in sanitation uptake: evidence from an information campain in rural Nigeria

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

The intergenerational transmission of welfare dependency

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Utprøving hos egen arbeidsgiver - erfaringer fra et felteksperiment i NAV

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Measuring substitution patterns for differentiated products: Demand for environmental friendly cars in Norway

Tid og sted: , Litteraturhuset, Amalie Skram

Det er konflikter i EU om energi- og klimapolitikken, spesielt om vinterpakken («Clean Energy for All Europeans»). I Norge koker debatten om ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators), det grønne lokomotivet Tyskland sliter med å nå sine 2020-mål, mens Polen nok en gang er en klimabremser.



Frist for påmelding: 13. april

Arrangører: CICEP (www.cicep.no) og CREE (www.cree.uio.no) – forskningssentre for miljøvennlig energi, opprettet av Norges forskningsråd.

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Tax evasion and inequality

Link til paper: http://gabriel-zucman.eu/files/AJZ2017.pdf

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

When Your View Goes Up In Flames: Effect of Wildfires on Property Values 

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

On the robustness of wage gap decompositions

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

The Impact of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

How does the housing career experienced during childhood affect early adult outcomes? Evidence from sibling comparisons in Norway

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Testing for micro efficiency in the housing market

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Cross-Border Exchange and Sharing Generation Reserve Capacity

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Housing careers and divorce

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Strategic Public Policy and Bunching around Population Thresholds

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Individual Economic Behavior in the aftermath of School Mass-Shootings

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Couples’ Joint Retirement - Evidence of Asymmetric Complementarity in Leisure

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Working together? Ethnic diversity in the workplace and social trust