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Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Distraction or Teaching Tool: Do Banning Smartphones in School Help Students?

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

What Characterizes Firms That Discriminate? Estimating Heterogeneity in Ethnic Hiring Discrimination

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

The long-term impact of religion on social capital: lessons from post-war Czechoslovakia

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09


Detaljer parallelle sesjoner

Tilbake til hovedprogram

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

The Effects of Unearned Wealth on Marital and Fertility Outcomes

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Care Needs and Caregiving: How Old-Age Health Shocks Affect the Growth and Well-Being of Families

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

From Public Labs to Private Firms: Magnitude and Channels of R&D Spillovers

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Pre-College Skills and Educational Wage Differentials

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Legal Aid in Child Welfare:
Evidence from a Randomized Trial of Mi Abogado

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

We Need to Talk about Mechanical Turk: What 22,989 Hypothesis Tests Tell Us about Publication Bias and p-Hacking in Online Experiments

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

"The Impact of Grading Bias on Future Performance: evidence of a self-fulfilling prophecy from the Italian student population".



If foreign students are affected by teacher's biased assessment, is there an impact on their long-term future school competence? We study this question using educational data on the entire population of Italian students and we find evidence of grading bias against students with a foreign status. In fact, teachers give lower grades to foreign pupils compared to natives who have the same performance on standardized, blindly-graded, tests. We then estimate the impact of grading under-assessment over the future performance of affected students, and we find significant negative effects. Grading bias seems to lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy by influencing the behaviour of discriminated groups in the direction of teacher assessment.

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on high school students’ achievements in Italy

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Effects of the Child Protection System on Parents

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Exposure to High-Stakes Tests and Attitudes Towards Math

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Work loss and health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Adaptive Partial Identification of Treatment Effects

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Market rate housing construction in urban neighborhoods

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Transparency and Reproducibility in Economics: Lessons learned from 1,000 papers when data are confidential

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Time to spare and too much care? Congestion and treatment provision in the maternity unit

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret
Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

Intensive and Extensive Margin Responses to Kinks in Disability Insurance Programs

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Tid og sted: , Frischsenteret

An exploratory analysis of warming effects on wealth in the Barents Sea fisheries

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09