Frischseminar: Paolo Agnolin

"The Impact of Grading Bias on Future Performance: evidence of a self-fulfilling prophecy from the Italian student population".



If foreign students are affected by teacher's biased assessment, is there an impact on their long-term future school competence? We study this question using educational data on the entire population of Italian students and we find evidence of grading bias against students with a foreign status. In fact, teachers give lower grades to foreign pupils compared to natives who have the same performance on standardized, blindly-graded, tests. We then estimate the impact of grading under-assessment over the future performance of affected students, and we find significant negative effects. Grading bias seems to lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy by influencing the behaviour of discriminated groups in the direction of teacher assessment.

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Publisert 8. aug. 2022 11:36 - Sist endret 17. okt. 2022 12:38