2022 - Side 2

Sist endret 19. sep. 2022 10:40 av gryny@uio.no

Effects of the Child Protection System on Parents

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 18. nov. 2022 13:37 av gryny@uio.no

Care Needs and Caregiving: How Old-Age Health Shocks Affect the Growth and Well-Being of Families

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 24. aug. 2022 09:26 av gryny@uio.no
Sist endret 10. juni 2022 11:35 av gryny@uio.no

When outside options bite: Labor demand in the Norwegian salmon farming industry and educational investments

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 17. okt. 2022 12:38 av jorgg@uio.no

"The Impact of Grading Bias on Future Performance: evidence of a self-fulfilling prophecy from the Italian student population".



If foreign students are affected by teacher's biased assessment, is there an impact on their long-term future school competence? We study this question using educational data on the entire population of Italian students and we find evidence of grading bias against students with a foreign status. In fact, teachers give lower grades to foreign pupils compared to natives who have the same performance on standardized, blindly-graded, tests. We then estimate the impact of grading under-assessment over the future performance of affected students, and we find significant negative effects. Grading bias seems to lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy by influencing the behaviour of discriminated groups in the direction of teacher assessment.

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 30. mai 2022 16:24 av gryny@uio.no

Spillovers in childbearing decisions and fertility transitions: Evidence from China (joint with Yun Xiao, University of Amsterdam)

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 24. aug. 2022 09:24 av gryny@uio.no

Time to spare and too much care? Congestion and treatment provision in the maternity unit

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 4. apr. 2022 10:26 av gryny@uio.no

FNs klimapanels delrapport om utslippsreduksjoner

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 28. feb. 2022 10:49 av gryny@uio.no

It’s all about what you learn? Estimating the human capital component in the returns to higher education

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 5. des. 2022 09:11 av gryny@uio.no

The long-term impact of religion on social capital: lessons from post-war Czechoslovakia

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 22. aug. 2022 16:08 av gryny@uio.no

An exploratory analysis of warming effects on wealth in the Barents Sea fisheries

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 24. mars 2022 14:08 av gryny@uio.no

Using genes to explore the effects of cognitive and non-cognitive skills on education and labor market outcomes (with Rafael Ahlskog, Magnus Johannesson, Philipp Koellinger and Sven Oskarsson)

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 15. mars 2022 11:01 av gryny@uio.no

Hvordan kan vi forstå Ukrainakrigen, og hva er konsekvensene for Norge?

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09

Sist endret 7. nov. 2022 10:17 av gryny@uio.no

Pre-College Skills and Educational Wage Differentials

Zoom -> https://frisch-no.zoom.us/j/64318637020?pwd=ajlhRjZhbXBYamFGczM0cFZkeFZFUT09