Frischseminar: Oskar Vågerö

Designing socially just and accepted future low-carbon energy systems

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Abstrakt: Transitioning into low-carbon energy systems comes with the risk of creating winners and losers both between and within countries. Active engagement in understanding and minimising injustices may prevent existing injustices from becoming greater and new ones from emerging. Energy System Models (ESMs) are mathematical representations of an energy system (e.g. on the national level), which may be used to generate insight for decisions-making and to inform policy. These models contain a high level of techno-economic detail and have up until recently not given much attention to social aspects of energy systems, such as political will, behavioral aspects or social acceptance. By studying justice implications in ESMs there is an opportunity to inform policy-makers on how long-term changes to energy systems may affect different social groups and how to minimise injustices. Understanding the social dimension of energy systems and energy transitions is imperative if we want to achieve future energy systems that are not only low-carbon but also socially just. Some questions that I am looking into:  1)   How can we ensure a socially inclusive and fair transition to a low-carbon energy system?  2)    Which equity principle(s) is(are) relevant for socially just energy development and how? 3)     What is it that makes a protest legitimate or not, and how do we handle conflicting values and opinions in decision-making processes?    

Publisert 12. mars 2021 16:19 - Sist endret 27. apr. 2021 09:40