Frischseminar: Maria Laura Di Tommaso & Dalit Contini

Tackling the gender gap in math with innovative teaching methods

Tackling the Gender Gap in Mathematics with Innovative Teaching Methods

Di Tommaso M.L.  Contini  D. Bernardi M. D. Ferrara F. Piazzalunga D. Robutti O.




Italy is one of the countries with the highest Gender Gap in Mathematics (GGM) in favour of boys. We design   and evaluate a teaching method that aims to narrow the GGM. The teaching methodology, devised by experts in mathematics education, consists of laboratories that focus on peer interaction, sharing of ideas, students’ engagement, problem solving and problem posing. We conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) to evaluate the impact of the teaching methodology (15 hours of math laboratories) on the GGM in primary school. The RCT intervention covers 50 third grade classes in 25 schools, evenly divided into treatment and control classes, involving about 1100 pupils. The intervention takes place in the province of Torino. We find that the math lab has a positive short-term impact on girls and no impact on boys, contributing to reduce (although not close) the gender gap in math. Well performing girls are those who benefit the most. Our results are encouraging and call for further research on the role of teaching methodologies on math learning and on the possibility to effectively reduce gender differences in school.

Publisert 16. aug. 2019 13:10 - Sist endret 26. aug. 2019 14:57