
Unge voksnes overganger mellom skole og arbeid under COVID-19 pandemien

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Bratsberg, Bernt, Oddbjørn Raaum




Søkelys på arbeidslivet

Vol 40(1), 1-16


Weak job opportunities reduced the cost of educational investments during the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time many educational programs saw increased capacity. We study youth graduating from upper secondary education (VGO) and bachelor’s programs in the spring of 2020, focusing on transitions to further education and work. In the fall of 2020, more youth were registered in education, and fewer in employment, than usual. The differences from previous cohorts are explained by poorer job opportunities as measured by local unemployment. One year later, the increase in educational enrollment and the decline in employment of the pandemic VGO cohort are gone. So far there are no signs of lasting impacts of the pandemic on the educational careers of the graduating cohort from VGO.


utdanningskarrierer, overgang skole til jobb, lokale arbeidsmarkeder, COVID


Oppdragsgiver: Forskningsrådet
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: 316475
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