
Immigrant Labor Market Integration across Admission Classes

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Bratsberg, Bernt, Oddbjørn Raaum, Knut Røed




Nordic Economic Policy Review



We examine patterns of labor market integration across immigrant groups. The study draws on Norwegian longitudinal administrative data covering labor earnings and social insurance claims over a 25-year period and presents a comprehensive picture of immigrant-native employment and social insurance differentials by admission class and by years since entry. For refugees and family immigrants from low-income source countries, we uncover encouraging signs of labor market integration during an initial period upon admission, but after just 5–10 years, the integration process goes into reverse with widening immigrant-native employment differentials and rising rates of immigrant social insurance dependency. Yet, the analysis reveals substantial heterogeneity within admission class and points to an important role of host-country schooling for successful immigrant labor market integration.


Oppdragsgiver: NORFACE via UiO
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: 462-14-082
Frisch prosjekt: 1223 - Globalisation, Institutions and the Welfare State

Oppdragsgiver: Finansdepartementet
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