
Hjelpesøkende atferd blant brukere av illegale rusmidler

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Røgeberg, Ole og Willy Pedersen




Tidsskriftet Den norske legeforening


Are users of illegal drugs less likely to seek relevant help for health related issues? Willy Pedersen and Ole Rogeberg describe the results of a relevant survey in an article in Tidsskriftet for den Norske Legeforening. The survey recruited users from a harm-reduction oriented website (rusopplysningen.no). The users were a relatively "invisible" group of users that would be unlikely to be identified as users in public data registers: A minority had been caught by the police for their use. A sizeable share (36%) of the 2485 responses analysed stated that they had avoided telling health personnel about their use in situations where this would have been relevant information. 14% stated that they had had a need for substance use treatment, but two thirds of these had delayed or avoided seeking treatment. A total of 815 reported having experienced an acute drug-related medical incident. Of these, 82 (10%) said people had delayed and 330 (41%) said people had avoided calling an ambulance. Fear of the police was the most frequently stated reason for avoiding calling for help in these acute situations.


Oppdragsgiver: Bruk av egen kompetansetid
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.:
Frisch prosjekt: 4901 - Criminalization of drug use - consequences for user behavior.