
Early intervention in temporary DI: A randomized natural field experiment reducing waiting time in vocational rehabilitation.

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Hauge, Karen Evelyn og Simen Markussen




Frisch Rapport
Number in series: 1


Rising disability insurance rolls are a major concern in many industrialized countries. Many disability benefit systems have until now been based on passive benefit programmes, while the trend now is towards more active labour market programs in order to increase employment among people with partial work capacity. This paper studies early intervention among people with partial work capacity by analysing the effects of reducing the waiting time before participating in vocational rehabilitation programs. The results, using data from a natural field experiment with nearly 5 000 participants, indicate that reducing waiting time by on average 35 days has no effect on employment status or earnings, but leads to earlier transitions into permanent disability benefits.


Oppdragsgiver: Arbeidsdepartementet
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: Prosjekt 70203
Frisch prosjekt: 1330 - Effects of vocational rehabilitation programs