
Optimal location of renewable power

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Bjørnebye, Henrik. Cathrine Hagem, Arne Lind





147, 1203-1215


A decarbonization of the energy sector calls for large new investments in renewable energy production, and several countries stimulate renewable energy production through economic instruments, such as feed-in premiums or other kinds of subsidies. When choosing the location for increased production capacity, the producer has typically limited incentives to take fully into account the investments costs of the subsequent need for increased grid capacity. This may lead to inefficient choices of location. We explore analytically the design of feed-in premiums that secure an optimal coordinated development of the entire electricity system. We show that with binding electricity transmission constraints, feed-in premiums should differ across locations. By the use of a numerical energy system model (TIMES), we investigate the potential welfare cost of a non-coordinated development of grids and wind power production capacity in the Norwegian energy system. Our result indicates that grid investment costs can be substantially higher when the location decision is based on uniform feed-in premiums compared with geographically differentiated premiums However, the difference in the sum of grid investment cost and production cost is much more modest, as location based on uniform feed-in premiums leads to capacity increase in areas with better wind conditions.


Q42, Q48, Q58


Energy policy Renewable targets Wind power Location of renewable energy production Feed-in premiums


Oppdragsgiver: Norges forskningsråd
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: 209698
Frisch prosjekt: 3100 - Oslo Center for Research on Environmentally friendly Energy (CREE)

Oppdragsgiver: Norges forskningsråd
Oppdragsgivers prosjektnr.: 243626
Frisch prosjekt: 3149 - Security of supply in a green power market - The challenges and opportunities of intermittent power