
Shift work and sick leave

Project managerElisabeth Fevang
Client project no.MAB2821
ParticipantsFidjeland Andreas
Heidi Gautun
Anette Harris
Karen Evelyn Hauge
Otto Lillebø
Simen Markussen
Siv-Elisabeth Skjelbred
Torunn Wibe
Period2021 - 2024

Project description

Shift work is associated with increased risk of health problems and sickness absence. In recent years, a number of alternative shift work arrangements have been introduced in the health care sector. Utilizing administrative register data from Norway, we will investigate how different type of shift work arrangements affect sickness absence. The project will focus on nursing homes, where the sickness absence is particularly high. We will collect information about shift work arrangements in Norwegian nursing homes and study the causal mechanism behind these arrangements and sick leave. In addition, we will conduct a randomized controlled trial in a target sample of nursing homes where we will test the effect of a specific shift work arrangement.


Frisch Working Paper

Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff, Elisabeth Fevang, Heidi Gautun, Mari Holm Ingelsrud, Andreas Lillebråten, Otto LillebøDokumentasjon av data fra undersøkelse om turnusordninger i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester Spørreundersøkelse sendt til ledere ved virksomheter i helse- og og omsorgssektoren2022No. 1[PDF]