
Environmental impacts of Norwegian gas export

Project managerRolf Golombek
ClientNorges forskningsråd
Client project no.
ParticipantsSverre A. C. Kittelsen
Period1997 - 2000 (ended)

Project description

This project studies the impact of Norwegian export of gas and gas-fired thermal power on international energy prices, energy consumption and production, and global carbon emission. The project is empirically oriented and will build both a model for short-term and for long-term analysis. Both models will incorporate the markets for natural gas and electricity in Europe. The empirical models will be used to analyse the effects of increased export of gas and gas-fired thermal power under alternative assumptions about environmental policy in Europe.


Frisch Report

Aune, Finn Roar, Rolf Golombek, Sverre A.C. Kittelsen, Knut Einar RosendahlMiljøvirkninger av norsk eksport av gass og gasskraft2001No. 2[PDF]