
Effects of labour market training programmes in non-sheltered environments

Project managerTao Zhang
Client project no.
Period2013 - 2014 (ended)

Project description

Labour market job training program in non-sheltered environments is an active labour market program designed to help the unemployed who need to try out their labour market opportunities and accumulate employment experiences. The aim of the program is to increase the probability to land an ordinary job. The program is targeted to both ordinary job seekers, as well as those with disabilities. This project is to evaluate the causal effects of participation of the job training program for the ordinary job seekers. The possible outcome measures in this setting would be the duration of unemployment and the subsequent transitions to job or education. The analysis will be conducted on the base of the state of art statistic methods applied on the Norwegian administrative register data. The identification of average treatment effect will be one of the major objectives. The effect differentials between sub groups of job seekers will also be studied.


Frisch Report

Zhang, TaoEffekter av arbeidspraksis i ordinær virksomhet: Multiple og sekvensielle tiltak2015No. 2[PDF]