
Hooks for change? Family and employment as pathways to social inclusion among crime-prone individuals

Project managerOddbjørn Raaum
ClientNorges forskningsråd
Client project no.202453
ParticipantsBernt Bratsberg
Elisabeth Fevang
Simen Markussen
Knut Røed
Ole Røgeberg
Tao Zhang
Period2011 - 2014 (ended)

Project description

The project studies the interactions between criminal activity, family events and labour market outcomes, focusing on how employment, partnerships and parenthood represent pathways to social inclusion among crime-prone individuals. Employment provides income from legal sources as well as structured time use, and thereby a possible turning point for deviant individuals. Family formation and parenthood may offer an opportunity to rewrite one's 'life script' with a new social role and identity, and with increased motivation and support for legal employment. Norwegian registers provide longitudinal data that open new avenues for research on the dynamics of work, family and crime. In addition to addressing new research questions, the richness of the data also allows use of sophisticated statistical methods, like complex life-course transition models accounting for unobserved heterogeneity as well as methods suited to identify causal mechanisms. The project is multidisciplinary including criminologists, sociologists and economists, and is joint with Statistics Norway.


Scientific Journal

Bratsberg, Bernt, Øystein Hernaes, Simen Markussen, Oddbjørn Raaum, Knut RøedWelfare Activation and Youth Crime2019The Review of Economics and Statistics 101(4): 561-574.[PDF] [DOI]
Bratsberg, Bernt, Oddbjørn Raaum and Knut RøedImmigrants, Labour Market Performance, and Social Insurance2014Economic Journal Vol 124(580), 644-683[PDF]

Other publications

Bratsberg, Bernt, Øystein Hernaes, Simen Markussen, Oddbjørn Raaum, Knut RøedWelfare Activation and Youth Crime2018IZA DP No. 11719[PDF]
Bratsberg, Bernt, Oddbjørn Raaum and Knut RøedImmigrants, Labor Market Performance, and Social Insurance2014IZA Discussion paper no 8292[PDF]