
Returns to education in Norway

Project managerOddbjørn Raaum
ClientAAD, Inntektsavdelingen og Studiefinansieringsutvalget
Client project no.
ParticipantsTom Erik Aabø
Period1999 - 1999 (ended)

Project description

This project contains two parts. First, it summarises Norwegian evidence on the return to schooling (education), in an international perspective. This selective literature survey also reports main conclusions from our own research on project 1101 and is financed by "Studiefinansieringsutvalget". The second part of the project is a study of the return to schooling (education) in Norway by means of a panel data containing the public pension credit points from 1967-1996 for the whole population. These public pension credit points are calculated as a function of annual earnings and enables us to observe the earnings history of individuals over a period of 30 years. These data have never been used for this purpose before. The second part is financed jointly by "Studiefinansieringsutvalget" and the Ministry of Labour and Government Administration.



This series is published by the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, in cooperation with the Frisch Centre. The list below only contains those memoranda written in connection with projects at the Frisch Centre. A complete list of memoranda is found at http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-7118

Raaum, O., T.E. AabøThe effect of schooling on earnings: The role of family background studied by a large sample of Norwegian twins1999No. 16[PDF]

Frisch Report

Raaum, Oddbjørn, Tom Erik Aabø, Thomas KarterudUtdanning og livsinntekt i Norge1999No. 5[PDF]

Frisch Working Paper

Raaum, OddbjørnInntektseffekter av utdannning i Norge - en litteraturoversikt1999No. 2[PDF]