
Assimilation and business cycle effects on immigrant earnings

Project managerOddbjørn Raaum
ClientNorges forskningsråd
Client project no.
ParticipantsBernt Bratsberg
Period1999 - 2001 (ended)

Project description

The main purpose with this project is to explain relative earnings and unemployment of immigrants in Norway since the late 1980’ies. The project has a comparative perspective where immigrants are compared with the majority population. A major goal of the project is firstly to identify assimilation effects (i.e effects of years since immigration on relative earnings of immigrants) for different immigrant-groups. Secondly to investigate the extent to which business cycles affect labour market outcomes of the immigrants and the majority population differently. Tests of methods to control for unobserved cohort differences and different business cycle effects will be included. The project does also contain a comparative study of Norway and the USA, as well as comparisons with results from other Nordic countries. The Norwegian data are from comprehensive registers delivered by Statistics Norway for the whole Norwegian population over the period 1989-96. The US data are from various surveys and the 1970-1990 Censuses. The study is a joint project with Erling Barth, Institute of social research, Oslo.


Scientific Journal

Barth, Erling, Bernt Bratsberg and Oddbjørn RaaumIdentifying earnings assimilation of immigrants under changing macroeconomic conditions2004The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 106(1), March 2004: 1-22.
Raaum, Oddbjørn and Pål LongvaEarnings Assimilation of Immigrants in Norway - A Reappraisal2003Journal of Population Economics 16: 177-193
Raaum, Oddbjørn and Pål LongvaUnemployment and Earnings Assimilation of Immigrants2002Labour 16, 469-89


This series is published by the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, in cooperation with the Frisch Centre. The list below only contains those memoranda written in connection with projects at the Frisch Centre. A complete list of memoranda is found at http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-7118

Barth, Erling, Bernt Bratsberg and Oddbjørn RaaumLocal Unemployment and the Relative Wages of Immigrants: Evidence from the Current Population Surveys2002No. 20[PDF]
Barth, Erling, Bernt Bratsberg and Oddbjørn RaaumLocal Unemployment and the Earnings Assimilation of Immigrants in Norway2002No. 19[PDF]
Raaum, Oddbjørn and Pål LongvaEarnings Assimilation of Immigrants in Norway - A Reappraisal2000No. 5[PDF]

Other journals

Barth, Erling, Bernt Bratsberg og Oddbjørn RaaumMulighetenes land? Inntektsprofiler for innvandrere til Norge og USA2004Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning vol 45, nr 4, side 637-658[PDF]