
Nordic comparative micro-data laboratory for analyses of common shocks: The case of Covid19

Project managerSimen Markussen
ClientNorges Forskningsråd
Client project no.325356
ParticipantsBernt Bratsberg
Elisabeth Fevang
Simen Markussen
Oddbjørn Raaum
Knut Røed
Period01.09.2021 - 31.12.2026

Project description

The Nordic countries have been pioneering the use of administrative micro data in social science research. Compared to other data sources, administrative data have a number of strengths: no attrition, high reliability, large sample sizes, and unique identifiers to link numerous data sources as well as to follow individuals and firms longitudinally. For comparative studies however, several barriers must be overcome, and unsurprisingly the use of administrative data for cross-country studies is scarce. The ambition of this research project is to overcome these obstacles and establish a comprehensive collaboration for Nordic comparative micro data research.

The Covid19 crisis creates a natural starting point for this agenda. There is a large potential for better and more detailed comparative research designs, exploiting the rich, and to a large extent similar, administrative data in the Nordic countries. Furthermore, the Nordic design allows for policy evaluations and causal effects identification not feasible neither with labor force survey data nor with single-country data.

The project has four work packages:
- Data harmonization and documentation, including provision of documentation and coding as a public good to spur future research.
- Pupils/students, analyzing whether school closings and distance education reinforced socioeconomic gradients in human capital development, exploiting variation in school closure policies within and between countries.
- Workers, studying the transition from corona-unemployment back to, or out of, the labor market, testing whether similarities and differences between the Nordic countries can be explained by different labor market policies.
- Firms, comparing destruction and creation of businesses during and after the crisis, and investigating whether similarities and differences can be explained by country-differences in firm-directed policies put in place during the crisis such as fixed cost compensation and wage subsidies.

Nordic Register Data: Documentation of Dataprocessing, Privacy Considerations and Cross Country Harmonization


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