Elisabeth Fevang

Senior Research Fellow
Image of Elisabeth   Fevang
Mobile phone +47 9517 6789


PHD, University of Bergen. 2019.

Research Interests

labour market economics, health economics

Curriculum Vitae


Selected Publications


Scientific Journal

Author (s):Title:Year:Reference:Link:
Øien, Henning, Elisabeth Fevang, Maja W. GrøttingForskjeller i lønn og sykefravær mellom kommunale, ideelle og kommersielle sykehjem i Norge: En registerbasert studie2023Magma vol 26(5)[DOI]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Erik Figenbaum, Lasse Fridstrøm, Askill H. Halse, Karen E. Hauge, Bjørn G. Johansen, Oddbjørn RaaumWho goes electric? The anatomy of electric car ownership in Norway2021Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment vol 92, 102727[PDF] [DOI]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Ines Hardoy og Knut RøedTemporary Disability and Economic Incentives2017Economic Journal Vol 127(603), 1410-1432[PDF] [DOI]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Simen Markussen og Knut RøedThe Sick Pay Trap2014Journal of Labor Economics 32(2), 305-336[PDF]
Bratsberg, Bernt, Elisabeth Fevang and Knut RøedJob Loss and Disability Insurance2013Labour Economics Vol 24, 137-150[PDF] [DOI]
Fevang, E., S. Kverndokk and K. RøedLabor Supply in the Terminal Stages of Lone Parents' Lives2012Journal of Population Economics vol 25(4): 1399-1422[PDF]
Røed, Knut and Elisabeth FevangOrganizational Change, Absenteeism, and Welfare Dependency2007The Journal of Human Resources Vol. 42, No. 1, 156-193
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This series is published by the Department of Economics, University of Oslo, in cooperation with the Frisch Centre. The list below only contains those memoranda written in connection with projects at the Frisch Centre. A complete list of memoranda is found at http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-7118

Author (s):Title:Year:Reference:Link:
Røed, Knut og Fevang, ElisabethOrganisational Change, Absenteeism and Welfare Dependency2005No. 20[PDF]
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HERO Working Paper

HERO is the Health economics research programme at the University of Oslo. Here you will only find the publications written by authors here at the Frisch Centre. A complete list is located at http://www.med.uio.no/helsam/forskning/nettverk/hero/publikasjoner/skriftserie/

Author (s):Title:Year:Reference:Link:
Fevang, E., Kverndokk, S., Røed, K.A model for supply of informal care to elderly parents2008No. 12[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Snorre Kverndokk, Knut RøedInformal Care and Labor Supply2008No. 8[PDF]
Knut Røed and Elisabeth FevangOrganisational Change, Absenteeism and Welfare Dependency2005No. 9[PDF]
Fevang, ElisabethDe syke pleierne En analyse av sykefravær blant sykepleiere og hjelpepleiere2004No. 5[PDF]
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Frisch Report

Author (s):Title:Year:Reference:Link:
Fevang, Elisabeth, Simen Markussen og Knut RøedGråsoner i arbeidsmarkedet og størrelsen på arbeidskraftreserven2020No. 1[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Simen Markussen, Knut Røed og Trond Christian VigtelBevegelser inn i, mellom og ut av NAVs ytelser2016No. 2[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Simen Markussen og Knut RøedTil, fra og mellom inntektssikringsordninger - før og etter NAV2013No. 1[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Steinar Strøm og Erik Magnus SætherEr kommunesektoren og/eller staten lønnsledende?2008No. 1[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Morten Nordberg og Knut RøedFormelle og totale skattesatser på inntekt for personer med svak tilknytning til arbeidsmarkedet2005No. 3[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Knut Røed, Oddbjørn Raaum og Tao ZhangUndersysselsatte i Norge: Hvem, hvorfor og hvor lenge?2004No. 7[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Knut Røed, Lars Westlie og Tao ZhangVeier inn i, rundt i, og ut av det norsketrygde- og sosialhjelpssystemet2004No. 6[PDF]
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Frisch Working Paper

Author (s):Title:Year:Reference:Link:
Bernstrøm, Vilde Hoff, Elisabeth Fevang, Heidi Gautun, Mari Holm Ingelsrud, Andreas Lillebråten, Otto LillebøDokumentasjon av data fra undersøkelse om turnusordninger i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester Spørreundersøkelse sendt til ledere ved virksomheter i helse- og og omsorgssektoren2022No. 1[PDF]
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Other journals

Author (s):Title:Year:Reference:Link:
Fevang, ElisabethHelserelaterte ytelser og skjult arbeidsledighet – en diskusjon om mulige sammenhenger2020Søkelys på arbeidslivet Vol 37(3), 201-215[PDF] [DOI]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Simen Markussen og Knut RøedNAV-reformen: Støvet legger seg etter en turbulent omstilling2014Søkelys på arbeidslivet nr 1-2, 83-98[PDF]
Fevang, E., S. Markussen, K. RøedSykepengefellen2013Samfunnsøkonomen Nr 9, 19-20
Fevang, E., S. Kverndokk and K. RøedOmsorg for foreldre - hvordan påvirkes yrkesaktiviteten?2009Søkelys på arbeidslivet no. 1, pp. 113-123[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth og Knut RøedOmstillinger og nedbemanninger blant pleiere ­ en belastning for Folketrygden?2005Søkelys på arbeidslivet Vol. 22, No. 2
Fevang, ElisabethLike mange undersysselsatte som arbeidsledige, men hvor stor Arbeidskraftreserve utgjør de?2004Søkelys på arbeidslivet nr 21, 177-185
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Other publications

Author (s):Title:Year:Reference:Link:
Fevang, Elisabeth, Erik Figenbaum, Lasse Fridstrøm, Askill H. Halse, Karen E. Hauge, Bjørn G. Johansen og Oddbjørn RaaumHvem velger elbil? Kjennetegn ved norske elbileiere 2011-20172020TØI Rapport 1780/2020[PDF]
Fevang, ElisabethEconomic Incentives, Employment and Health2019Doktorgradsavhandling, Universitetet i Bergen.[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Inés Hardoy, og Knut RøedGetting Disabled Workers Back to Work: How Important Are Economic Incentives?2013IZA Discussion Paper no 7137[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Simen Markussen og Knut RøedThe Sick Pay Trap2011IZA Discussion paper no 5655[PDF]
Bratsberg, Bernt, Elisabeth Fevang and Knut RøedDisability in the Welfare State: An Unemployment Problem in Disguise?2010IZA DP No. 4897[PDF]
Fevang, Elisabeth, Snorre Kverndokk, Knut RøedInformal Care and Labor Supply2008IZA Discussion Paper No. 3717[PDF]
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­  Only active projects
Warning: Undefined variable $last_project in /srv/vortex/www.frisch.uio.no/data/vrtx/php/functions.php on line 143
Project ID:Title:Eksternal ref:
1110Equality, Social Organization, and Performance
1111R&D, Trade, Productivity and Inequality
1122Evaluation of the effect of the welfare system reform: labour correction179326
1135The public long term care and its effect on labour market participation for elderly workers
1138Nordic comparative micro-data laboratory for analyses of common shocks: The case of Covid19325356
1139Engaging workplaces: a social partners perspective on youth activation344340
1145Evaluation of tax reforms in Norway: A dynamic analysis of household behavior
1151Mobilizing labour force participation
1156Labour market exclusion
1172Social Insurance and Labor Market Inclusion in Norway202513
1174Hooks for change? Family and employment as pathways to social inclusion among crime-prone individuals202453
1178Egalitarianism under pressure? New perspectives on inequality and social cohesion236992
1181Activation and social insurance185201
1191The decline in employment and the rise of its social gradient280350/GE
1215Lessons for the Nordic welfare states from the Covid19-pandemic
1223Globalisation, Institutions and the Welfare State462-14-082
1307Strategic centre programme on pension research
1308Evaluation of a Norwegian qualification program
1310Income security
1312Unemployment transitions
1314Transitions between different Social Security benefits
1315Underemployment and part-time work
1316Total taxes on labour earnings
1330Effects of vocational rehabilitation programsProsjekt 70203
1331Labor market participation among disabled persons
1391Strategic Institute Program on Labor Market and Pension Research
1471Analysis of student performance in secondary school
1676Intergenerational Mobility and Labor Market Inclusion300917
1679Labor market inclusion and labor productivity (INPROD)334866
1771Prosjekt 70310, sak 19/2811, ref ASD1147
1775SAK 21/3770
3642Driving towards the low-emission society267942
4116Incentives, Efficiency and Quality of Care in Long Term Care For The Elderly256570
4117Effects of Child Welfare Services288813
4133Absenteeism - Disability, Norms and Interventions201416
4134Disentangling absence patterns227103
4135Combining Work and Care for Older Parents315428
4421Shift work and sick leaveMAB2821
6513Entrepreneurship and Gender in Norway - Entrepreneurship, Gender, and Social capital201336
Published Dec. 17, 2013 9:28 AM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2022 11:46 AM