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Events - Page 4

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Information Intervention to Promote Safe Water Consumption: An RCT in areas affected by groundwater arsenic in India

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Childcare, labor supply, and business development: Experimental evidence from Uganda

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Language skills and hiring: The causal return to host country language skills for immigrants

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

FNs klimapanels delrapport om utslippsreduksjoner

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Using genes to explore the effects of cognitive and non-cognitive skills on education and labor market outcomes (with Rafael Ahlskog, Magnus Johannesson, Philipp Koellinger and Sven Oskarsson)

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Hvordan kan vi forstå Ukrainakrigen, og hva er konsekvensene for Norge?

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Optimal Targeting in Fundraising: A Causal Machine-Learning Approach ( Joint with Tobias Cagala, Ulrich Glogowsky and Johannes Rincke)

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

It’s all about what you learn? Estimating the human capital component in the returns to higher education

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The dynamics of power in labor markets: Monopolistic unions versus monopsonistic employers

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

How Americans Respond to Idiosyncratic and Exogenous Changes in Household Wealth and Unearned Income

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Strategic Decisions have “Major” Consequences: Gender Differences in College Major Choices

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Labor market rigidities and misallocation

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre
Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Cascading regime shifts in pollution recipients and resource systems

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Does Paid Parental Leave Help or Hurt Mothers' Economic Progress?

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Early warnings about catastrophic shifts improve management but encourage risk taking

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Natural resources and rents. Capture fisheries and fish farming

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Longitudinal evidence on Norwegian PhDs suggests women academics confront speed bumps but neither a leaky pipeline or glass ceiling

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Hovedkonklusjoner i sjette hovedrapport fra FNs Klimapanel –

Arbeidsgruppe 1

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Utsiktene til klimagasskutt og energisparing i veitransporten

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Health Promoting Work Schedules: The Effect of Abolishing Quick Returns. A Randomized Controlled Trial among Health Care Workers

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Forskere og offentligheten: om ytringsfrihet i akademia

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The effect of special educational assistance in early childhood education and care on psycho-social difficulties in elementary school children

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The effects of school closures on SARS-CoV-2 among parents and teachers

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