
Time and place: , Frisch Centre


Time and place: , Frisch Centre


Time and place: , Frisch Centre


Time and place: , Frisch Centre


Time and place: , Frisch Centre


Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Health and employment. Towards more sorting in the labor market?

Time and place: , Frisch Centre


Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Further Unbundling Institutions

Time and place: , Frisch Centre


Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Nonstationary Equilibrium in the Auto Market: Structural Estimation Using Danish Register Data

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Aid on Demand: African Leaders and the Geography of China’s Foreign Assistance

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Information and coordination frictions in experimental posted offer markets

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The lost generation: Effects of youth labor market opportunities on long-term labor market outcomes

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

General Equilibrium Effects of a Reform: The Effect of the Raising of the School Leaving Age on the Marriage Market

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Dynamics of firms' participation in R&D subsidy and tax credit programs - An issue for the programs' evaluation

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Shift-Share Instruments, Past Settlements, and the Wage Impact of Migration

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The Political Economy of Weak Treaties

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Heterogeneity of the Carnegie Effect [pdf]

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Flexible pension claiming

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Sickness absence and workplace importance: Evidence from employee mobility

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Commited to a decarbonizing world

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Using fees to reduce bed-blocking: A game between hospitals and care providers

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Cognitive skills and socioeconomic outcomes

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Problematic features of the linear regression model when the dependent variable is binary

Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Competition in space