Norwegian version of this page



Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Dynamics of Wolf Predation on Livestock

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Longevity Beliefs Elicitation: Full Distributions and Visual Support

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The Effect of Job Loss on Labor Supply and Spousal Labor Supply for Older Workers

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Distortionary effects of CF-taxation in a GE-framework

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The price effect of restricting residential building in the inner city

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The role of carbon capture technologies: Impact of learning-by-doing and resource extraction cost

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Analyzing the Impact of Reduced Hospital Stays on Mortality in Primary Care Settings with Variation in Nursing Home Capacity: An Observational Study of Hip Fracture Patients, 2010-2019

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Nominal illusion and loss aversion: Evidence from ski jumping

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Ethnic Bias in the State: Experimental Evidence from Peru

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Experience and learning in healthcare: Evidence from ambulance nurses

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Is there a resource rent in wind power production (on land)?

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Moral responsibility as a driver of polarization

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre
Time and place: , Frisch Centre

A New Distribution Sensitive Index for Measuring Welfare, Poverty, and Inequality

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Is the time right? The effect of meeting times on political selection and representation

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Measures against carbon leakage – combining output-based allocation with consumption taxes

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Juggling Work and Care for Older Parents

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Mobilizing voters with nonpolitical identity: Evidence from seven field experiments

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre
Time and place: , Frisch Centre

The effects of the 2021-2022 energy crisis on medium-sized and large industrial firms

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre
Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Regression discontinuity design with right-censored survival data

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Recruiting and Incentivizing Community Service Providers: Experimental Evidence from Sierra Leone

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Time and place: , Frisch Centre

Implied Weights of Estimators for (Conditional) (Local) Average Treatment Effects

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