Electricity generation

The same approach as for the other model countries has been used, with IEA Electricity Information as the main data source. To regionalise the data for electricity production and make data sets for RU1/RU2/RU3, APBE (2010) has been used. This publication provides production of electricity in power stations by fuel type, which allows the allocation of the use of coal, natural gas and oil between the regions. For coal it is assumed that the same allocation applies for steam coal and lignite. This may cause the production shares from the different coal types to be incorrect, but ensures that the total production from coal in each region is accurate. For generation from biomass and waste no sources have been found, so the consumption has been allocated based on population shares.

Heat production has been included in the data in the same way as for the other model countries, using the same conversion factors from heat to electricity. To allocate the heat produced from each fuel to each region the total for each sector from the IEA and the total for each region from APBE (2010) have been used. To allocate the heat production between the fuels for each region the distribution of the electricity production by fuel has been used as a guideline. This approach seems reasonable as combined heat and power plants (CHP) make up around a third of the installed generating capacity in Russia.[1]

SO (2011) reports installed capacity for hydro, nuclear and thermal power plants for the seven federal districts. To split up the total thermal capacity in each region more detailed power plant data for Russia was used to split each region’s capacity into fuel type. GeoHive and Enipedia have information about single plants, their location and their generating capacity. This has made it possible to allocate plants to each region. However, the many multi-fuelled power plants complicate the picture. Where power plants operate on several fuels they have been allocated according to their primary fuel type. For hydropower the total for each LIBEMOD-region is allocated to reservoir capacity. RusHydro Annual Report for 2009 has information about a pumped storage power plant located in RU1 and its capacity, which is then deducted from the total hydro capacity given by SO UPS (2011). It is assumed that there is no run-of-river capacity in the base year. 


[1] CHP/DHC Country Profile: Russia (The international CHP/DHC Collaborative). 

Emneord: Electricity generation, heat generation, installed capacity, nuclear, natural gas, coal, oil, hydro power, reservoir, run-of-river
Publisert 14. apr. 2014 15:48 - Sist endret 13. mai 2014 13:56